[header position=”text-center” title=”You’ve heard of socially responsible investing but did you know you can align your values with your investments to advance women? ” subtitle=”Thanks to everyone who joined us for a first of its kind educational event with national leaders of the Gender Lens Investing movement. We hope you learned new strategies for using a gender lens to create impact with your philanthropic and investment dollars.”]
[feature title=”Be inspired” iconfont=”pe-4x pe-7s-sun”]As you learn all the ways you can position assets to promote workplace equity and women’s access to capital[/feature]
[feature title=”Make a commitment” iconfont=”pe-4x pe-7s-check”]To drive assets to companies with women on their boards and management teams; to women-owned businesses; to foundations that use a gender lens for their investments[/feature]
[feature title=”Get excited” iconfont=”pe-4x pe-7s-magic-wand”]About shareholder advocacy and purchasing power as tools to achieve gender balance[/feature]
[feature title=”Convince” iconfont=”pe-4x pe-7s-cash”]The wealth management industry that investing in women
is good business[/feature]
[feature title=”Advocate” iconfont=”pe-4x pe-7s-global”]For a more equitable world![/feature]
[header element_tag=”h2″ title=”SPEAKERS”]
Joe Keefe

Joe Keefe

Jackie VanderBrug

Jackie VanderBrug

Donna Evans

Donna Evans

Kathleen McQuiggan

Kathleen McQuiggan

Dr. Stephanie Gripne

Dr. Stephanie Gripne

Patricia Foley Hinnen

Patricia Foley Hinnen

Jo Lynne Whiting

Jo Lynne Whiting

Brook Eddy

Brook Eddy

Lauren Y. Casteel

Lauren Y. Casteel

Jennifer Pryce

Jennifer Pryce

Justin Conway

Justin Conway

Patricia Farrar-Rivas

Patricia Farrar-Rivas

Marilyn Manila

Marilyn Manila

Debbie Huttner

Debbie Huttner

Praful Shah

Praful Shah

Jacki Zehner

Jacki Zehner

Dan Osusky

Dan Osusky

Kate Lyda

Kate Lyda

Kaylene Alvarez

Kaylene Alvarez

Nicole Casanova

Nicole Casanova

[header element_tag=”h2″ color=”” subtitle_color=”” title=”PROGRAM”]
[header element_tag=”h2″ color=”#ffffff” title=”STEERING COMMITTEE MEMBERS”]

Patricia Cooper, Patricia Foley Hinnen, Helen Gair, Rhondda Grant, Laurie Hirschfield Zeller, Alexis Newton and Jo Lynne Whiting


  • Speak to my financial planner
  • Make at least one ESG Investment this year
  • Educate myself on companies I support regarding the diversity of their leadership
  • Find out if the companies I hire have women in leadership positions
  • Invest in companies and funds with a gender lens
  • Inform others of the importance of gender lens investing
  • Research with my high school daughter, non profits with youth boards for her to consider joining
  • Invest in Capital Sisters
  • Learn more about gender empowerment frameworks and how they can be incorporated into my work
  • Develop International Collaboration then fund track focused on women with Beyond our Borders
  • Build a platform for female entrepreneurs and help them launch innovative, social impacting companies with the help of EVERYONE!
  • Explore a “Collective impact Fund” to invest in / support the social impact of INPOs / INGOs working in the girls empowerment space
  • Buy PAX world Fund
  • Buy Calvert Win-Win Notes
  • Build out our investment options that include a diversity / gender lens for clients
  • Democratize impact investing, including gender lens
  • Act as the bridge between millennials and older generations to catalyze impact
  • Re-allocate my portfolios!
  • Educate the women in my community
  • Take the steps to become an accredited investor and then invest!
  • Re-evalute all our investments in liquid securities, with an explicit gender lens
  • Collaborate with the 30% coalition and utilize their strategies
  • Review / rebalance our mutual funds with a gender lens
  • Invest in a bond / note for my daughters
  • Vote my proxies with a gender lens
  • Explore with other Organizations how philanthropy $$ can better support gender lens initiatives
  • Review my own investment portfolios
  • Talk to my financial advisor again
  • Invest in gender lens funds
  • Review my current portfolio to understand impact and educate myself on investment products that can influence
  • Educate myself on the investment products my company offers related to impact / gender lens
  • Invest my own money in a micro-finance loan
  • Never stop having the conversation about the importance of investing in women
  • Buy a Calvert Foundation WINWIN note
  • Encourage a business owner I know to consider seeking capital to grow their business
  • Research companies I buy from to ensure they have workforce equity
  • Recruit investors to a coalition to talk to Colorado companies to add women to their Boards
  • Use the Buy Up App
  • Move 10% of my investments into gender lens investing opportunities
  • Convince at least one male investor to invest in a woman-led business
  • Collaborate with fellow women investors
  • Better educate myself and the men in my life about gender lens investing
  • Convince an investor to consider gender lens investing opportunities
  • Speak to my financial advisor about gender lens options
  • Find out how to receive DAF or some foundation $$ into our non-profit and receive $100k by end of January 2016
  • Hold an intro to Finance at Spiritual Center
  • Make my fifth gender lens investment
  • Re-evaluate my investment portfolio and redirect at least 50% within 6 months
  • Review the entire McKinsey Report
  • Join a corporate board
  • Open a banking account for my 3 year old daughter
  • Invest and get involved in a women owned business
  • Be a resource for gender lens grantmaking and investments for donor advised funds
  • Start educating others
  • Look into getting involved in donor circles
  • Dedicate personal investments
  • Contact companies I invest in to get more women on their boards
  • Call my financial advisor about SRI options
  • Educate my clients about ESG investing and find new clients that think like me
  • Evaluate my current investments to assess how they are currently supporting my values
  • Talk to investment manger about different language standards of evaluation for “success” of a company E.G. refining B Corps. Companies
  • Support Beyond Our Borders
  • Continue seeking more and better data sets to incorporate into my research and to share these data sets with others for the sake of collaboration
  • Interview Jackie Vanderbrug and Patricai Ferrar Rivas on impact investing
  • Learn how to leverage my personal philanthropy for greater impact
  • Follow up with Donna Evans
  • Talk to my financial advisor about investing with a gender lens
  • More thoughtfully consider the foods and products I purchase and the company’s reputation for employing women
  • Do more due diligence about companies’ environmental, social and governance standards before investing money or buying a product
  • Continue asking for statistics about women of color and transgender women in corporate leadership positions in order to increase those population in business
  • Continue to invest in women led businesses
  • Speak to my financial manager about ESG investing and ask him to add such a fund to my portfolio
  • More thoughtfully complete share-holder materials I receive
  • Educate myself re companies “walking the talk” on gender lens equity
  • Try to build a consortium of Fortune 500 companies on becoming gender enabled
  • Invest $1M in women entrepreneurs over the next 2 years
  • Explore how donor-advised funds can invest in women’s empowerment (before being donated)
  • Reassess portfolio ESG!
  • Educate men about the value of gender lens management / investment
  • Commit to investing in a women entrepreneur
  • Collaborate on investment due diligence
  • Connect with foundation and impact investors to accelerate growth. Bigger $$ means more direct impact on artisans and global communities
  • Talk with my financial advisor
  • Ask my employer about SRI 401k options
  • Talk to confluence re: social equity in environment and impact investing
  • Talk to my family about incorporating impact investing into our foundation’s work
  • Develop my knowledge base around gender lens investing
  • Move our own capital into impact with a gender lens and create more ways for others to do the same
[header element_tag=”h2″ title=”SPONSORS”]


[header element_tag=”h3″ position=”text-center” title=”WORKSHOP SPONSORS”]
[header element_tag=”h3″ position=”text-center” title=”BREAK SPONSORS”]
[header element_tag=”h3″ position=”text-center” title=”SUPPORTER”]

Breckenridge Capital


Beyond our Borders is a special interest fund at the Women’s Foundation of Colorado. The Fund is managed by a diverse group of philanthropic women with common values and purpose that fund U.S. based organizations that support international projects benefiting women and girls. Beyond Our Borders mission is to create a world where women have comprehensive human rights, are able to reach their full potential, and are equal partners in creating a world that reflects talents and contributions of all humanity.

Capital Sisters International sells bonds in order to provide destitute women with access to credit for income generating activities so they can take care of their families and live in dignity. Proceeds from the sale of their $1,000 zero-interest “Sister Bonds®” are used to provide interest-free capital to microfinance institutions that make business loans to women in developing countries. These bonds are the only gender lens investment product of their kind, created exclusively to finance women’s micro loans, and marketed to household level investors who want to help solve global poverty – and then get their money back.


Erin Eidsness
[email protected]

© 2015 Impact Investing
with a Gender Lens
All rights reserved.
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